5 Ways to Determine Success of PPC Campaigns

PPC | February 5, 2015

Pay-per-click campaigns can be wasted if not managed effectively. But if done right, it can be highly lucrative. There are various metrics to evaluate the success of the campaign. Some of these are stated below:

5 Ways to Determine Success of PPC Campaigns

Ways to Determine the Success of PPC Campaigns

  1. Clicks and Conversions:

    One of the most trusted ways to measure a campaign's success is if it getting a good level of impressions and clicks. The budget will affect the number of clicks and impressions you receive for an ad. However, PPC is not just about receiving clicks. So, what beyond it? What do your site visitors do after they click your ad? Do they fill out a contact form on your website? Do they pick up the phone and call you? A PPC campaign that compels a user to get ready to purchase your company's product is an apt example of increasing conversions. After all, the online marketing tactic is about increasing traffic and sales instantly. You should always aim for high conversions because many people coming to your site carry out your desired action. You can also set up a conversion for an email sign-up or pull in engagement goals from Analytics to gauge the quality of the traffic coming via PPC.

  2. Click Through Rate (CTR):

    To gauge the success of the Pay Per Click campaign, it is always vital to have a good ratio of clicks to impressions or CTR. Additionally, aim for a high score of CTR as Google takes into account to evaluate the quality score of your keywords. Depending on the type of campaign, display or search, a ‘good’ CTR will vary, but anything over 0.5% for a display campaign and around 3-5% for a search campaign is something to aim for.

  3. Average Position

    It is also crucial that your ad appears in the top three positions on search engine pages to get your ad noticed. If your ad does not qualify for top positions, it is at the risk of getting lost like the rest of the ads. With Low CTR, your PPC ad would get average position. In such case, you can increase the bidding amount to achieve those top of page slots and see your CTR improve.

  4. Sales / Leads

    The primary purpose of your ad is to generate sales/leads. If it doesn't show required results, there's something wrong with your campaign. You also need to factor in ROI. If sales are coming in, is there enough coming through to ensure you are seeing a return on your investment?

  5. Bounce Rate

    Another softer metric you can look at to establish the quality of traffic coming from PPC ads is the bounce rate. This can be done in AdWords itself or within Google Analytics.

    If most traffic coming to your site is bouncing straight off the landing page, then think about whether your keywords are correct, if your ad conveys the right message, and if the landing page is strong enough to convert them into customers.

  • How to Decrease Cost Per Acquisition in PPC

    Reducing the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) in PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising involves optimizing various aspects of your campaigns. Here are some strategies, incorporating the keyword "PPC packages," that can help you decrease CPA:

    1. Keyword Research and Selection:

      1. Use relevant keywords related to your business.
      2. Utilize tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify cost-effective keywords with lower competition.
    2. Negative Keywords:

      1. To avoid irrelevant clicks, regularly review and update your negative keywords list.
      2. Exclude keywords that are driving traffic but not converting.
    3. Ad Copy Optimization:

      1. Create compelling ad copies that clearly communicate the benefits of your PPC packages.
      2. Test different variations to see which ones resonate best with your target audience.
    4. Landing Page Optimization:

      1. Ensure your landing pages are relevant to the PPC ads and provide a seamless user experience.
      2. Optimise for fast loading times, clear CTAs (Call to Actions), and mobile responsiveness.
    5. Quality Score Improvement:

      1. Improve your Quality Score by creating highly relevant ads and landing pages.
      2. Quality Score directly influences your ad position and the cost you pay per click.
    6. Ad Scheduling:

      1. Monitor the performance of your ads at different times of the day and on different days of the week.
      2. Adjust your ad schedule to allocate a budget during peak conversion times.
    7. Geo-Targeting:

      1. Refine your targeting settings to reach your most valuable audience.
      2. Consider adjusting bids based on the geographic performance of your campaigns.
    8. Bid Management:

      1. Implement automated bidding strategies or bid adjustments based on performance data.
      2. Monitor your bids regularly and adjust them to balance visibility and cost.
    9. Conversion Tracking:

      1. Set up conversion tracking to measure the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.
      2. Use this data to optimise your campaigns for keywords and ads that lead to conversions.
    10. Utilize Ad Extensions:

      1. Take advantage of ad extensions to provide additional information and encourage clicks.
      2. Ad extensions can increase ad visibility and click-through rates.
    11. Competitor Analysis:

      1. Analyze the strategies of your competitors in the PPC space.
      2. Identify areas where you can differentiate your offerings or find gaps in their strategies.
    12. Budget Allocation:

      1. Allocate your budget strategically, focusing on the most profitable keywords and campaigns.
      2. Regularly review and adjust your budget based on performance.
    13. Regular Monitoring and Optimization:

      1. Monitor your PPC campaigns regularly and make data-driven adjustments.
      2. Stay informed about industry trends and adjust your strategy accordingly.

By implementing these strategies, you can work towards decreasing the Cost Per Acquisition in your PPC campaigns while maximising the effectiveness of your budget. Regular monitoring and continuous optimisation are crucial for ongoing success.

Four types of PPC Metrics:

  1. Metrics based on impressions:

    Impression-based metrics are essential for assessing the visibility and reach of online advertising campaigns, particularly in the context of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and Google Ads management. These metrics provide insights into how often an ad is displayed to users on a web page. Here are some key impression-based metrics to consider:

    • 1) Viewability:

      • a) Definition: The percentage of ad impressions that are viewable to users.
      • b) Importance: Ensures that ads are seen by users, reducing the likelihood of wasted impressions.
    • 2) Reach:

      • a) Definition: The total number of unique users exposed to an ad campaign.
      • b) Importance: Reflects the size of the potential audience reached by your ads.
    • 3) Frequency:

      • a) Definition: The average number of times a user sees the same ad.
      • b) Importance: Balancing frequency helps prevent ad fatigue and annoyance among users.
    • 4) Impression Share:

      • a) Definition: The percentage of total impressions your ad receives divided by the estimated number of impressions it could receive.
      • b) Importance: Reflects the share of the market you are capturing with your ads.
    • 5) Ad Impressions by Device:

      • a) Definition: Breakdown of ad impressions on different devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
      • b) Importance: Helps optimize ad creatives for specific devices based on performance.
    • 6) Top Impressions Share:

      • a) Definition: The percentage of total possible impressions that your ads are appearing in the top positions.
      • b) Importance: Indicates the competitiveness of your ads for top placements.

    When managing PPC packages, particularly with Google Ads, regularly monitoring these impression-based metrics is crucial for optimizing campaigns, improving ad performance, and maximizing the return on investment. Adjustments can be made based on the insights gained from these metrics to enhance targeting, ad creatives, and bidding strategies.

    impression base metrics

    Source: oneims.com

  2. Engagement-Based Metrics

    Engagement-based metrics play a pivotal role in assessing the effectiveness and success of Pay-Per-Click (PPC). In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, these metrics provide valuable insights into how users interact with online advertisements, allowing businesses to optimize their campaigns for better performance and return on investment.

    One of the key engagement metrics is Click-Through Rate (CTR), which measures the percentage of users who click on an ad after viewing it. A higher CTR indicates that the ad is resonating well with the target audience, driving more traffic to the website. This metric is crucial for evaluating the relevance and appeal of the ad content within the PPC packages.

    Conversion Rate is another essential metric, focusing on the percentage of users who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, after clicking on the ad. By tracking conversions, businesses can gauge the actual impact of their Google Ads services on achieving specific goals.

    Quality Score is a metric used by platforms like Google Ads to assess the quality and relevance of keywords, ad copy, and landing pages. A higher Quality Score often results in lower costs per click and better ad placements. This emphasizes the importance of crafting compelling and relevant ad content within PPC packages.

    Engagement metrics go beyond the initial click, considering the user's behaviour post-click. Bounce Rate, for instance, indicates the percentage of visitors who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may suggest a misalignment between the ad and the landing page, prompting the need for adjustments in the PPC strategy.

    Furthermore, Time on Site and Pages Per Visit are metrics that delve into user engagement with the website after clicking on the ad. These metrics provide insights into the user experience and the effectiveness of the landing page in keeping visitors engaged.

  3. Behavior-Based Metrics

    Behavior-based metrics are pivotal in evaluating the effectiveness of PPC (Pay-Per-Click). These metrics delve into the actions and interactions of users, providing valuable insights into the performance of online advertising campaigns. In PPC packages, understanding user behaviour goes beyond just click-through rates and conversion numbers.

    One crucial behavior-based metric is the bounce rate. It gauges the percentage of visitors who navigate away from the website after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate might indicate a misalignment between the ad content and landing page, emphasizing the need for refining ad targeting or improving the landing page experience within PPC packages in India.

    Furthermore, the time spent on the website offers a nuanced perspective. A longer duration suggests engagement and interest, showcasing the relevance of the PPC content. This metric is particularly significant for assessing the quality of traffic generated through PPC campaigns.

    Conversion paths, another vital metric, trace the journey users take from clicking on an ad to completing a desired action. This insight helps marketers optimize PPC packages by identifying effective touchpoints and refining the user journey for better conversion rates.

    Incorporating user engagement metrics, such as social shares and comments, can provide additional context. A PPC campaign packages that resonates with the audience may trigger social interactions, contributing to brand visibility and trust.

    Moreover, tracking the click fraud rate is essential to ensure the integrity of PPC packages. High click fraud rates can skew performance metrics, leading to inaccurate assessments of campaign effectiveness. Implementing measures to mitigate click fraud is imperative for maintaining the reliability of PPC data.

  4. Relative Campaign Metrics

    When evaluating the effectiveness of PPC services packages, it's crucial to delve into various campaign metrics that provide insights into the relative performance and overall success of your digital advertising efforts.

    Firstly, click-through rate (CTR) plays a pivotal role in measuring the engagement level of your ads. A higher CTR indicates that your ad copy is resonating well with the target audience. Monitoring this metric over time allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns in attracting user attention and encouraging them to click through.

    However, negative keywords should only be used to improve metrics that are critical to your campaign, not those that are unnecessary, and they should not be counted themselves.

    Relative Campaign Metrics

    Source: oneims.com

    Conversion rate is another key metric that directly impacts the success of your PPC initiatives. This metric measures the percentage of users who not only click on your ad but also take the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. A comprehensive PPC services package should aim to optimize conversion rates, ensuring that your ad spend translates into meaningful business outcomes.

    Cost per click (CPC) is a critical financial metric that helps assess the efficiency of your budget allocation. Lower CPC values suggest that you're getting more clicks for your investment, making your PPC strategy more cost-effective. Monitoring CPC trends allows you to adjust your bidding strategy and maximize the value of your advertising budget.


In conclusion, evaluating the success of PPC campaigns is a multifaceted process that requires a comprehensive approach. By incorporating the five key strategies discussed – tracking key performance indicators, analyzing conversion rates, monitoring click-through rates, assessing return on investment, and conducting competitor analysis – advertisers can improve their campaigns by gaining valuable insights. It is essential to recognize that success in PPC goes beyond mere clicks and impressions, emphasizing the importance of understanding user behaviour and optimizing for meaningful conversions.

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Hardik Mody

Hardik Mody is a Senior Manager in Digital Marketing. He plans and coordinates the marketing activities of ValueHits, a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India. With his experience and Expert knowledge in the field, he identifies potential customers and develops marketing campaigns. Also, he is efficient enough to meet the client’s requirements and well-organized in handling multiple tasks.