What are the internet marketing mistakes you should avoid?

Content Writing | May 21, 2018

Every business operates a website and social media accounts these days. Whether you are selling product or service, you are going to face competition online. To get ahead of your competitors, you have to polish your internet marketing skills and ensure that you are not making any mistakes. Fortunately, a good way to assess your strategy is to know what should be avoided.


Following is a list of mistakes that online marketers usually make:

1) Wanting immediate results

There is no magic in reality. Online marketing, especially SEO, takes time to sprout results. Unless you are lucky enough to go viral overnight, you need to sit back and wait till your digital marketing efforts start showing visible results. You may receive some targetted traffic instantly if you blast a PPC campaign, but not many businesses can afford its cost.

2) Not bothering about competitors

Confidence is good, overconfidence is not. Well, you may think of yourself as far superior from your competitors. But, in online marketing, you are making a big mistake if you are not keeping a watch on your potential competitors. Stay equipped for the digital war front, study your competitors' digital moves, and plan your moves accordingly.

3) Inadequate analysis of stats

No job completes until results are measured. All components of a digital marketing strategy, whether SEO or PPC or SMO, can be measured in some way. Google and other search engines provide various webmaster tools, to analyze performance based on data. You can make a digital strategy better only if you know its shortcomings.

4) Not equipped to reach out to all prospects

Full coverage increases your chances of success. A desktop is not the only source that people use to connect to the internet. In last few years, the number of people using internet services on mobile/tablets has grown significantly. If your website is a misfit for mobile/tablet devices, you are missing out on plenty of prospects every second.

5) Focusing only on traffic

Provide something of value to your prospects. Acquiring a lot of traffic online does not guarantee sales. To make your digital marketing efforts produce results, focus on getting more conversions by creating powerful and engaging content, and broadcast it rightly.

6) Awful landing page

No mistake can be bigger than having a bad landing page. That's where all your traffic comes to, it's like the face of your organization. Your landing page should be engaging and offer some incentive to visitors for sticking to it.

Apart from these, there are other online mistakes too that digital marketers make, but these are the most common one. For a flawless online marketing campaign contact a professional digital marketer. ValueHits is one-stop digital marketing agency that can help you in growing your online brand visibility, improving your position on the search engine, and increasing conversion rate.

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Hardik Mody

Hardik Mody is a Senior Manager in Digital Marketing. He plans and coordinates the marketing activities of ValueHits, a full-service Digital Marketing Agency in Mumbai, India. With his experience and Expert knowledge in the field, he identifies potential customers and develops marketing campaigns. Also, he is efficient enough to meet the client’s requirements and well-organized in handling multiple tasks.